Friday, March 14, 2014


WOW - go see The Whale at SpeakEasy Stage Company.

It's a beautifully acted, stunning piece of theatre.

A redemption play, if there ever was one. Devastatingly portraying the dangers of not allowing yourself to feel your feelings and how it can eat you alive (literally and figuratively).

The ever-brilliant John Kuntz heads a pitch perfect cast of damaged souls trying to deal with their lives. Maureen Keiller stuns in her reunion scene with her ex-husband.

Georgia Lyman will have you laughing and crying as she cares for her friend/patient and takes us on her journey. Ryan O'Connor brings depth and sincerity to his Elder Thomas, seeking redemption for himself, this shut-in, and his faith. Josephine Elwood truly devastates in the role of the damaged daughter coming to grips with her estranged father and her own "whale".

This is an emotionally intense evening that will ultimately leave you stunned, in awe, and believe it or not, with a sense of hope.

Please, go see this show!

- Jason Allen-Forrest, Guest Critic


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