Sunday, January 26, 2020

The Fighter

You make me feel so comfortable
I have found an answer
When all else is crumbling
I know where to be secure

All is confused and crazy
But so much brighter
You’ve shown me the way
You’ve made me the fighter

To be on the edge
But never fall
To be ready to drop
But stand so tall
I know you will help me
To make it through the night
I know You will help me
To learn how to fight

I’m so glad I’ve found You
It’s taken so long
I’ve had my doubts
My decision can’t be wrong

Life’s so much clearer now
As the bond grows tighter
You’ve taught me to love and trust again
You’ve taught me to be the fighter

To be on the edge
But never fall
To be ready to drop
But stand so tall
I know You will help me
To make it through the night
I know not to worry
I’ll live to fight.

Copyright 1987 Scott C. Forrest

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