Saturday, January 29, 2005

My Favorite Memories

This essay has also been recently published in a North Shore Music Theatre e-mail newsletter.

Dear NSMT Staff,

I remember one Saturday matinee in 1996 running into my good friend Ann with whom I was working at the time. We had seen many shows in Boston together, but had had no idea that we were both subscribers to the North Shore Music Theatre! Not only that, but our tickets were for the same day/same time! It was that day that we both agreed to continue subscribing, but together.

Looking forward to seeing the shows and attending them with Ann will always be some of my favorite memories of NSMT.

This past Wednesday, Ann passed away after a long, brutal battle with breast cancer.

I don't wish to depress anyone, but I do want to thank everyone at North Shore Music Theatre for providing Ann with many wonderful productions and for providing me with many enjoyable afternoons together with her. During this past fall, Ann did not have the strength to applaud or to participate in the standing ovations, but she still managed to attend every production, despite her illness.

I will continue to be a member of the NSMT community so I will keep remembering my good friend.

Ann thanks you.

Scott C. Forrest
North Shore Music Theatre Subscriber since 1993

Copyright 2005 Scott C. Forrest

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